Talks, Presentations, and Posters

See a map of all the places I've given a talk!

Invited to ACS BRIDGE Career Kickstarter Workshop

November 03, 2023

Invited, ACS BRIDGE Career Kickstarter, San Diego, California

ACS BRIDGE hosted a Career Kick-Starter workshop for professional development. Ice was invited to the workshop to foster DEI initiave across chemical sciences. With great experience from the CKS workshop, Ice is bringing the workshop to UW with sponsorship from UW Department of Chemistry!!!

Design rules for multiple bacterial CRISPRa systems enable synergistic gene activation

March 25, 2023

Conference Talks, ASBMB Annual Meeting (DiscoverBMB) 2023, Seattle, Washington

ASBMB Annual Meeting or DiscoverBMB is a big scientific conference in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Ice presented orally in the Session: New mechanisms for transcriptional control of gene expression. As a local Seattleite, Ice acted as a host to show friends around the town!!! Especially for good food~~~
An abstract of this work presented at ASBMB annual meeting 2023 is available in a special issue of J. Biol. Chem.

Investigating promoter distance rules for effective bacterial CRISPRa with distinct transcriptional activation mechanisms

May 19, 2022

Poster, EBRC Annual Meeting 2022, Berkeley, California

EBRC Annual Meeting 2022 was held at UC Berkeley, California, for this year after coming back from COVID. Ice was supported by EBRC as a board member of Student and Postdoc Association (SPA) and presented a poster at this conference. It was such a great opportunity to attend an in-person conference with scientists in the field. Apart from my research poster, I am also in charge of our DEI initiatives poster!

National Delegate at the Asian Science Camp 2013

August 25, 2013

Nobel Laureate Meeting, Asian Science Camp 2013, Tsukuba, Japan

Ice participated in the Asian Science Camp in Japan as a national delegate from Thailand. Here is how excited a freshman undergrad look like seeing a Nobel Laureat (Ada Yonate) for the first time!!!